Feb 15Liked by Madd Monk

That sounds weird as fck even for the first time sex. Not awkward. Weird and bizarre. I had weird sex before and I didn’t even want to see her ever again.

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Yea, I'm on the fence about following up with her, but also interested to see what might happen. If I were to get the same vibes on a second meet, I'd just call it off.

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Definitely had to look up "Stush princess."

This one from online? Or did you meet her IRL?

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Feb 15·edited Feb 15Author

Stush in this context is like snobbish, conceited, etc.

This one is from online, of course. hehe

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I have written somewhere that a lot of the best chicks I've been with say they've *never* done online.

Listening to guys talk about the women they meet online, raises my estimation of daytime and meeting women anywhere that's not dating apps...

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Feb 16·edited Feb 16Author

Yes... and I agree. I was hoping to get out of a drought and get any practice I could while things were slow in my other pipelines. It's time to find some more stable chicks, for sure.

Once it warms up I plan to focus more on daygame.

"Parties" are more of a long game. Most of the attractive women on the scene are partnered. There are a couple things I'm holding close to my chest until they come to fruition. At the very least, I won't go into much detail until I get these women on a date. Especially one in particular.

Tonight I have a date with a girl I met at a party months ago. After stabilizing from the high of the party and sinking back into my funk at the time, I decided not to follow up. Pinged her a few weeks ago about the event where I met Russian Blue. She responded after the fact, but she's been very receptive. I'm also going to guess that things between her and her partner have dissolved. We shall see...

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> I won't go into much detail until I get these women on a date. Especially one in particular.

Looking forward to the story.

Chicks from the party scene are fun but bad choices for long term stuff, family, &tc.


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> the guys who learn masculinity

I need to learn about this (masculinity) before I revisit anything long term. It's showing in my interactions with women. It's showing in the types of women I attract.

Masculinity aside, I guess you could say I was groomed to be the "perfect husband." I also live a generally stable life that at least so far, many dysfunctional women would love to plug themselves into. I think I would resent any woman (and maybe even myself) that tries to plug herself into my life and think I'm going to stop chasing tail, and stop developing who I am as a person. This is my last opportunity to have this journey/experience. I'm going to ride it out.

I think about this often, and I think the right choice is to remain solo for now. I am coming to terms with what this means, even if it means I do the whole thing solo. I still have some time. It's not ideal, but getting crushed in my early adult years was enough. I'd be a fool to repeat.

I still see my brothers getting crushed out here. Because outside of these blogs and private chats, it feels like men are very siloed. Sometimes you never know what a man is going through until his ship sinks and it's too late.

I don't talk about the ways I give back to the world, but I am helping to build for future generations. Maybe that will be enough. Maybe long term stuff will come later for me.

For guys that develop their masculinity early and avoid my pitfalls, maybe long term partnership and family is the answer for them. They'll surely attract the right type of women for them.

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> Because outside of these blogs and private chats, it feels like men are very siloed

Part of the reason I write my substack and am glad you are writing yours is to break down those silos.

We can do better.

We should do better.

The knowledge is out there... most guys reject it...

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